Parent's Responsibilities

Brighter Days FCC does not discriminate against any child or family based on race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or disabilities.

In order to provide the best care and learning experience for your child, we ask that you partner with us in the following: 

  • We will need to work together to ensure that each child can develop to his/her fullest potential. 
  • Please communicate with us about any changes that will affect your child’s usual schedule in a timely manner. 
  • We require that you to check your child in and out of our care daily during drop-off and pick-up
  • Monthly calendars are to be filled out in advance if you have a variable schedule. 
  • Making sure to replenish all necessary items for each child. Back up Clothing, diapers, wipes etc. 

For us to provide the best possible care, we ask that you communicate any needs, wants and/or concerns regarding your child. It is very important that the interaction between the two parents/guardians and the provider remain a priority at all times in order to achieve a good quality and nurturing care. Please attain to the following standards: 

  • Use Brightwheel app for communication, updates and to check your child in/out of care. 
  • Children should arrive with a good night’s rest, bathed, clean and fully dressed, ready for their day. (No Pj’s) 
  • Children take pride when they are self-sufficient, therefore, it is advisable that when selecting clothing & shoes for the child you consider anything that is easy for them.
  • put on/take off. Specially during potty training time. 
  • Getting messy can be unavoidable at times. Please do not send the children in clothing that you do not wish to damage. 
  • A new/clean pair of shoes are recommended to be kept at their care for indoor use. 
  • Shoes are removed and kept outside, then switched into inside shoes to come inside. 

We strive to be able to provide care for your child through 52 of the 54 weeks in a year but sometimes things that are out of our control come up. If we feel the need to remain closed for the day, we will not be responsible for finding back-up childcare. The reasons why we may not open for the day include, but are not limited to: 

  • Unexpected sick days 
  • Family emergency 
  • Bad weather 
  • Vacation days (Planned and discussed with you in advance) 
  • Your child is ill. (Please see Illness Policy)

In order to provide the best care possible for your child we ask that you please provide the following items to be kept at childcare and that they are labeled with your child’s name. 

For EVERY child: 

  • Plastic sealable bags (used for soiled clothing) * 
  • Small blanket to be kept at daycare 
  • Sunscreen lotion 
  • Flushable wipes 
  • Two full changes of clothes in a labeled plastic sealable bag 
  • A two week supply of Diapers,pull ups, ointments and wipes for non potty trained children 

We provide each child

  • Nap sheet 
  • Bibs 
  • Personal labeled cup, plates and utensils 
  • Personal Art supplies (scissors, crayons, glue sticks etc.) 

*Their blankets will be kept and washed weekly. 

disinfected daily 

NOTE: We ask that you please check your child’s assigned cubby to ensure that we still have all the above-mentioned items needed for daycare. Furthermore, as the weather changes throughout the year so do your child’s items needed. Please stay in communication with us to know if anything else is needed. 

We greatly appreciate your adherence to the subject as it helps ours and the children’s day run a bit more smoothly as well as it helps us care for your child in the best possible way. 

In addition to these, we will keep the following records for your child: 

  • Emergency contact information, including the name of a backup person in case we are unable to reach you. 
  • Child’s Pediatrician and Dentist information 
  • A list of everyone who is authorized to drop-off and pick-up the child 
  • A signed consent form to obtain emergency medical or dental care 
  • Written permission to transport your child 
  • Updated immunization records. 

NOTE: You are responsible for updating these records immediately after any changes have occurred. 

Here at Brighter Dayssafety is the most important from arrival to departure. Children are to stay with the adult at all times and NEVER be allowed to wander-off alone. 

When entering or departing the premises you are to close the door immediately after you for the safety of all the children in our care. In addition to safety, this practice also ensures that the temperature inside the home remains weather appropriate in winter/summer months. 


We ask that you please park alongside the curve in front of the house or across the street and that you do not park or block the home’s driveway at any time. 

Drop-off Sometimes dropping off a child can be a bit difficult for both the child themselves as well as parents, specially during the first weeks for care. 

If your child has a difficult time being dropped off, please try to reassure them that you love them and that you will be picking them up later. After having this discussion with the child, we ask that you leave as quickly as possible. We have learned through our 13 years of experience, that the longer a parent stays the longer the crying child “performs” for them. While some kids do have separation issues, others are just putting on a show (kids are smart!). If you leave, they no longer have you as an audience and it is easier for us to begin our job of reassuring them and getting them started on their day. 

Please be sure to discuss this with whoever is dropping your child off in case it is not always you. 

In addition, almost all children, view the arrival of a parent as a “free pass”. Even the best-behaved children will begin to run wild upon your arrival so please make every effort to prevent them from “running wild” when dropping-off and/or picking-up. 

Although we enjoy visiting and sharing important details about your child’s day, or other issues, if your child’s behavior becomes too disruptive it may be easier to discuss things over the phone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this

Discipline is: 

  • Individualized and consistent for each child. 
  • Appropriate to the child’s level of understanding; and 
  • Directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control 

Our staff uses only positive methods of discipline and guidance that encourage self-esteem, self-control and self-direction which include some, if not all, of the following: 

o Using praise and encouragement of good behavior instead of focusing only on unacceptable behavior;

o Reminding a child of behavior expectations daily by using clear, positive, statements;

o Redirecting behavior using positive statements; andUsing brief, supervised, separation or “time out” from the group (when appropriate for the child’s age and development) which is limited to no more than one minute per year of the child’s age. (ex. A 3 y/o child will not exceed 3 mins of separation, “time out”) 

There is NO harsh, cruel, or unusual treatment of any child. 

The following types of discipline are prohibited: 

  • Corporal punishment or threats of corporal punishment; 
  • Punishment associated with food, naps or toilet training; 
  • Pinching, shanking or biting the child; 
  • Hitting the child with a hand or instrument; 
  • Putting anything in or on a child’s mouth; 
  • Humiliating, ridiculing, rejecting, or yelling at a child; 
  • Subjecting a child to harsh, abusive, or profane language; 
  • Placing a child in a locked or dark room, bathroom, or closet with the door closed; and 
  • Requiring the child to remain silent or inactive for an inappropriate long period of time. (over the age rule mentioned above) 

NOTE: Sometimes, when both the parent and provider are in the same room -such as when dropping-off or picking-up- the children will forget the rules, or they will simply test boundaries. Please help show your child that you respect us, the rules of the house, and our property by reminding them that the rules still apply when you are around. We will do the same and correct them. 

The following are rules we have for the children: 

  • No playing in the bathroom 
  • No coloring on anything other than paper 
  • Name-calling, foul language and yelling are not allowed 
  • No hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, biting, spitting or pulling hair 
  • No pulling or picking up plants, grass, trees or flowers 
  • No picking up, pulling, poking or squeezing of babies 
  • Stairs, upstairs bedrooms and all kitchen cupboards are off-limits 
  • Take turns and share 
  • Help clean up 
  • Good manners, politeness and kindness are expected 
  • Laugh, smile, play and be happy 

To prevent the spread of any virus, and keep your child comfortable, they will not be granted admittance to the premises if one or more of the following exists: 

  • An illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in child-care related activities such as outdoor play 
  • An illness results in a greater need for care than what we can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children in care 
  • The child has one of the following -unless medical evaluation by a health-care professional indicates that the child can still be included in the child-care activities;

o Oral temperature of 100.1 degrees or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness.

o Symptoms and signs of possible sever illness, such as lethargy, abnormal breathing, uncontrolled diarrhea, two or more vomiting episodes in 24 hours, rash with fever, mouth sores with drooling, wheezing, behavior changes, or other signs that the child may be severely ill and; 

o A healthcare professional has diagnosed the child with a communicable disease and the child has no medical documentation stating that they are no longer contagious

Communicable Disease Information 

Communicable diseases that exclude a child from care are defined by the California Department of Health (CDH) in 25TAC 97.9 (relating to Diseases Requiring Exclusion from Child-Care facilities and Schools). You can access this information from the California Department of Health or Licensing Staff. 

Medications and Medical Emergencies 

Medication to be given during the daycare day must be in the original container, clearly labeled with your child’s name and dated with the date the medication is brought to the premises. It will be necessary to complete and sign a Medication Authorization form for both prescription and over-the-counter medication. They are conveniently located under the daily sign-in log sheets on the clipboard by the front entrance. 

Although minor bumps and scratches are inevitable, we make every effort to help prevent them by keeping the children safe and under supervision at all times. Minor injuries receive appropriate first aid, but in the event of an emergency you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Parents are welcome to visit the childcare home during business hours to observe their child or the childcare operations and they may do so without notification or prior approval. However, please remember that younger children have a difficult time when parents come to visit then leave without taking them. If a visit become disruptive to our program and the child’s learning or child’s care, a parent may be asked to refrain from visiting again.

It is our duty to inform you that our family has two female cats, Milly and Sadie. Both are fully vaccinated as well as declawed and although they are around the house when we close the operation, you may never see them as they are kept upstairs during operation hours.

In the event that a child will be absent, due to illness or any other reason, the client must notify the provider in advance -before scheduled start time-. This notice will help our staff plan for menus and activities scheduled for the day. 

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence will be granted due to a work lay-off, loss of job or maternity leave. If a child will be absent from day care for a long period of time and you wish to hold a spot, a partial fee per week is required for up to 4 weeks per calendar year. If they are unable to return within the 4 weeks, the fee will return to the full amount or the vacancy will be filled with another child

Payments are accepted in the following methods:
● Cash
● Kid are app
● Electronically through using my cell phone number
● Apple Pay

If a tuition payment is not made prior to the start of each week, child care services will be terminated. Your tuition is due Friday morning NO LATER THAN 5:30pm prior to the week of service. Tuition fees are due for 52 weeks per year regardless of attendance. The late fee for non-payment is $10.00 per day beginning at 5:30pm each Friday.

Returned Checks Fee and Other fees
There will be a charge of $25.00 on returned checks. In addition to that, any fee that is charged to our daycare due to your insufficient funds or returned checks will need to be paid to us by you. All of these fees are to be paid in CASH immediately upon notification.

Daycare closing time is 5:00PM. This time is NON-NEGOTIABLE. 

Emergency closures – Payments during this time will be arranged and discussed at my discretion.

Grievance Period – If there are any concerns or complaints about our services or program, we ask that you communicate this with us as soon as possible as we continuously strive to improve. You are welcome to set up a time to discuss any of your concerns. Pick-up or drop-off time is not the appropriate time for any discussion. If it is an urgent matter, please be sure to reach me via phone call or text.

Days Closed for Vacation – A yearly calendar will be provided at the beginning of each year stating any scheduled closures. A minimum of 30 days advanced notice will be issued if there are any changes to that calendar. 

*Please note that as stated previously, tuition fees are due for 52 weeks per year regardless of attendance. Brighter Days 2 weeks of vacation are included in the 52 weeks. 

Holidays FULL PAYMENT is required when we are closed for vacation or holidays. We will be closed on the following Holidays: 

  • New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 
  • Martin Luther King Day 
  • President’s Day 
  • Good Friday 
  • Memorial Day 
  • 4th of July 
  • Labor Day 
  • Columbus Day 
  • Veteran’s Day 
  • Thanksgiving Day and day after 
  • Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and day after. (December 26th

o If these days fall on the weekend, we will remain closed for a few business days after. -Advanced written notification will be provided if this is the case- 

We ask that you please take into consideration that your child is enrolled in an in-home daycare and our operation times were set around our own private family time. The following fees will be applied in case of early drop-off or late pick-ups: 

  • Early drop-off = $1.00/minute 
  • Late pick-up = $1.00/minute

You will be charged for late pick-up fees if your child is picked up late by another individual. 

NOTE: Dropping-off your child late does NOT mean they can stay under our care for longer than the scheduled pick-up time.

Please understand that this is our home as well as our business. We ask that you are respectful of our family and home by adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in this 

Parent Handbook. This handbook contains lots of important information so make sure to keep it accessible to periodically review it as necessary. 

We reserve the right to amend any portion of the parent-provider contract, enrollment application and/or handbook at any time. If and when we do make changes, you will be given a new copy.

House and Safety Rules

The following rules are enforced for the safety and well-being of everyone.

Brightwheel App


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